Our registration is organized through TeamSnap which is a tool which collects player information, accepts payments and manages the schedule for the upcoming season. To register is simple. Clink on the link and it will take you to the registration page.


A few things to remember when you are registering. You will have to UPLOAD the consent and waiver form which means you should do the following:


Download the form
Insert the name of the child and the parent/guardian
Insert electronic initials on each page
Insert electronic signature on last page
Upload the form
The process above can be done on a phone and you can take a picture of the form and edit the picture by entering the above information and uploading it to TeamSnap.


WARNING: most people get stuck uploading the form!!!!


You will also need:


Player Alberta Health Card Card #
Credit Card – we do not accept cash or cheque payments.

NOTE: there is financial assistance through the Kidsport ( and Canadian Tire Jump Start ( Programs. Once you receive funding, we will receive a cheque and we will then refund your credit card.

Please use the below link to register: